

Riprap is a layer of large stones that protects soil from erosion in areas of high or concentrated flows. It is especially useful for armoring channels and ditch banks, among other features. It may also be paired with other stormwater control measures to reduce stormwater flow rates.

Riprap is used where a shoreline is continuously exposed to moving or rushing water:

  • ALONG a shoreline to limit erosion associated with wave action.
  • ALONG jetties to control waves pushing all the way to a marina, beach, or docks.
  • ALONG a shoreline to improve the aesthetics of a pond or lake.
Riprap shore control

Preventing erosion helps to keep the public safe. At first glance, riprap may seem like a simple thing but the power of water is strong in pushing against the shoreline or controlling the runoff from fields, parking lots, and housing developments. Determining the effective size and amount of rock is key to a finished look for any pond, lake, or waterway.

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